Douglas Hogg DA(Edin) FMGP FSAScot (FRSA lapsed 2018)
Born Edinburgh 1948. Attended George Heriot's School, Edinburgh 1953-1966. Studied stained glass, drawing and painting at Edinburgh College of Art 1966-1970. Guitarist with band Rain and Tears. Post-graduate diploma 1971 'highly commended'. Various awards, bursaries ,travelling scholarships to France 1972. Set-up own studio in Kelso, Scottish Borders, 1972. Head of stained/architectural glass degree course at ECA 1979-2000. Made an Associate (1972) and Fellow (1982) of The British Society of Master Glass Painters, London. External examiner at Swansea, University of Wales 2002-2005. Successfully advocated reducing burdensome need for writing put upon art students by awarding an ordinary degree with much less writing for those who wished this. Chair of judging panel, introducing the seminar for the annual 'Stevens' competition and awards, Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters on Glass, London (2003-2008, 2010-2013, 2016 and further points to date) Stevens Comp started in 1972 - won prize in 1973
2021 Exhibition 'Journey' The Angels of Light at COP26 Glasgow 2016 'Lumière du Monde' Centre International du Vitrail Chartres France 2015 Scottish Glass Society Group Show Coburg Gallery Edinburgh 2012 Glass Games Olympic Exhibition Swansea Art Gallery Wales
2011 Short-listed entries for new window Hexham Abbey Northumberland 2009 Diocese Museum Osnabruck Germany 2008 '40cm2' group show Cochrane Gallery London 2007 Sculpture Exhibition Botanic Gardens Dublin 2005 Münchener Seccession Nine International Artists Germany 2004 '30cm2' group show Cochrane Gallery London 2003 'Past and Present Futures' one-man show Glaskunst Galerie Paderborn 2002 Royal Glasgow Institute of Fine Art McLellan Galleries Glasgow 2001 'Das Farbige Licht' Haus der Kunst Munich Germany 2001 'Winter Solstice' glass exhibition Park Gallery Falkirk 2000 Scottish Glass 2000' McLellan Galleries Dundee and Edinburgh CAC
2021 Polypodium Domestic piece Scottish Borders
2018 St Ninian's Parish Church Dunfermline - interior/exterior intervention in
modernist context
2016 Blackhall St Columba's Church Edinburgh - Memorial window/wall work
2015 Dirleton Kirk East Lothian - Choir Window
2012 The Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy London - Diamond Jubilee Window
2012 Dirleton Kirk East Lothian - glass installation to south-east wall
2102 Funeral Parlour Broughty Ferry Dundee - installation in service room
and sand-blasted glass wall with doors
2011 Abbey Church North Berwick - three-part artwork entrance doors inner-
glazed screen/doors wall poem
2010 Fountain Road Hall Golspie Sutherland - glass door designs
2009 Dean Parish Church Edinburgh - two windows completing glass screen
2008 Edinburgh City Chambers - four windows and wall-mounted composite
2008 Glasgow Botanic Gardens Kibble Palace - installation of nine free-standing
2006 Auchterarder Parish Church Perth and Kinross - installation to north gable
2006 Chapel at The Hermitage Shepherd’s Law Northumberland - small bonded
2005 Bishop’s Chapel Scottish Churches House Dunblane - heat-formed
window panel and etched door
2005 St Stephen’s Comely Bank Church Edinburgh - large entrance screen and
two side windows
2004 Baillie Gifford Offices Edinburgh - two-part glass installation in reception
2004 Dean Parish Church Edinburgh - sandblasted glass wall, two painted and
bonded windows
2003 Craigmillar Park Church Edinburgh - “Raasay Stone” gallery screen
2001 St Philip’s Church Joppa Edinburgh - two large stained and painted
2001 Oriel College Oxford - Cardinal Newman memorial set (drawn by V Haig)
2001 Haddington West Church - millennium window scheme to south elevation
2001 Greyfriars Tollbooth & Highland Kirk Edinburgh - millennium window
2021 Essay The Lion in the North - Scottish 20th century glass painting
www.visitstainedglass.uk - click on 'themes'
2018 'The Dunimarle Collection at Duff House' - Historic Env. Scotland
2016 BSMGP Journal of Stained Glass - guest editor
2012 'Malen mit Glas und Licht' 1912-2012 Glasmalerei für das 21C.
2011 'Le Vitrail Monumental. Creations de 1980 a 2010' (French only) publisher
La Commission Royal des Monuments Liege Belgium
2010 'Hands Across the Sea' - Diana O’Neill privately published Houston Texas
(available to view at the National Library of Scotland Edinburgh)
2006 'Contemporary Stained Glass Artists' Kate Baden-Fuller pub Blacks
2005 'Broken Glass - Glas in Kunst und Architektur' (German/Dutch only)
publisher Wienand
1999 'Glass an Inspirational Portfolio' - Jera May Morton publisher Watson
Nuptial New York
1997 Making the Colours Sing Scotland's Stained Glass Michael Donnelly
1990 'The Beauty of Stained Glass' Patrick Reyntiens pub. Michael
Articles have appeared in a number of national and international publications
2012 'Glass Games' British Society of Master Glass-Painters Swansea
2008 '40cm2' British Society of Master Glass-Painters London
2004 '30cm2' British Society of Master Glass-Painters London
2001 'Das Farbige Licht' Munich Germany
1999 Museum of Contemporary Art Kyoto Japan
1997 'Glass Light and Space' British Crafts Council London
1984 'New British Glass' Centre du Vitrail Chartres France
2016 Recognition by John Radcliffe Trust for contribution to contemporary
2008 Installed as a Freeman of the City of London
2003 Saltire Society Art in Architecture Award
Lectures and other activities
2017 Delivered 2 lectures on Swiss Glass Painting for NGS
2016 Lecture A 20C lineage, my work in context Year of Innovation in Architecture and Design
2014 Delivered lecture at 'Glassac 14' conference Durham University
2014 Delivered lecture at the Worshipful Company of Glaziers London on the commissioning and execution of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Window
2013 Short-listed (2 artists) for Centenary Window for the Most Excellent Order of the
British Empire in the OBE Chapel St Paul's Cathedral London
2013 Gave lecture/seminar to post-graduate students and staff at St Andrew's
University Institute for Theology Imagination and the Arts (ITIA)
2011 Short-listed for project Edinburgh City Council
2011 Short-listed for new window at Hexham Abbey Northumberland
2011 Delivered a paper at International Conference in Liege Belgium
2010 Short-listed for design of commemorative window for Queen's
Diamond Jubilee Southwark Cathedral London
2009 Artwork presented to Ansbacher & Co London by Sir John
Stuttard ex Lord Mayor of London Master of Worshipful
Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass (see lower left)
2005 Delivered lecture on own work at International Glass Conference
Reykjavik Iceland
2005 Lecture at Glasgow University
2003 Lecture at annual dinner of Worshipful Company of
Glaziers New Library Southwark Cathedral London
2002 Delivered Spring lecture to British Society of Master Glass Painters